تقدم KEY WAY MARKETS LTD خدماتها لعملاء التجزئة والعملاء المحترفين وأطراف السوق المقابلة. ينطوي تداول المنتجات ذات الرافعة المالية على درجة عالية من المضاربة، ومخاطر مرتفعة لخسارة الأموال وبالتالي قد لا يناسب جميع المستثمرين. ننصحك قبل البدء في التداول بقراءة، والتأكد من أنك تفهم تماماً، بيان إفصاح المخاطر والتحذيرات ذات الصلة من هنا: إفصاح المخاطر. 21.57% من حسابات المستثمرين الأفراد تحقق أرباحًا عند تداول المنتجات ذات الرافعة المالية مع هذا المزود.

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Ericsson buys Cradlepoint

ميغيل رودريغيز
ميغيل رودريغيز
18 سبتمبر 2020
Ericsson expands in the US

The Stockholm-based network and telecommunication company, Ericsson, announced today the purchase of a US-based company specialized in wireless internet connectivity products, #Cradlepoint.

The deal, expected to close before the end of the fourth quarter of 2020, is valued at $1.1 billion, and will be paid in full by Ericsson on closing. Through it, Ericsson is looking to expand its 5G footprint, and from its point of view, Cradlepoint is “strongly positioned” in the market, given that it started providing 4G services in the States more than a decade ago. 

Cradlepoint, headquartered in Boise, Idaho, was founded in 2006, and until now, it has over 650 employees in Silicon Valley, and at their UK and Australia market offices. In 2019, its sales were of $136.1 million, and gross margin was of 61%. Cradlepoint will operate under its brand, but it will be considered a wholly owned Ericsson subsidiary. Also, it will start to contribute to operating cash-flow in 2022.

Ericsson, Nokia, and Huawei are the top companies involved in the race of who can deliver 5G technology faster, the same #5G technology that's been subject to political disputes.

Following the news, Ericsson share price closed 1.47% higher. During today’s pre-market session, it gained more than 2.20%. 

Sources: marketwatch.com, Bloomberg.com

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ميغيل رودريغيز
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