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94.5% effectiveness from Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine

Miguel A. Rodriguez
Miguel A. Rodriguez
16 November 2020
Moderna’s potential COVID-19 vaccine allegedly is more effective than Pfizer’s

It seems like the international markets have a new reason to rally. If last week Pfizer’s vaccine proved to be 90% efficient in preventing COVID-19 infection, Moderna’s experimental vaccine seems to top that percentage.

Moderna stated that its potential COVID-19 cure showed 94.5% effectiveness in preventing infection according to data from a late-stage clinical trial. So far, it is the second American company to report over the top results in a week.

The company expects to gather enough safety data to file for emergency use authorization (EUA) in the upcoming weeks. If everything goes smoothly, the US could have two viable COVID-19 vaccines by the end of the year. If both Pfizer and Moderna receive the EUA in December, the US could have available roughly 60 million doses of vaccine.

While the abovementioned companies are looking for EUA, Johnson & Johnson just launched a large-scale late-trial for its potential COVID-19 drug. The trial consists of administering two vaccine doses and run it up simultaneously with a trial that involves only one dose. The recruitment of volunteers will end in March 2021, and the trial will last one year.

After the announcement, Moderna stock price went up more than 9.1%, while USA500 gained 1.3%.

Read here all about Pfizer’s potential COVID-19 vaccine!


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Miguel A. Rodriguez
Miguel A. Rodriguez
Financial Writer

Miguel worked for major financial institutions such as Banco Santander, and Banco Central-Hispano. He is a published author of currency trading books.