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Qualcomm gains after Q4 figures beat expectations

Miguel A. Rodriguez
Miguel A. Rodriguez
05 November 2020
5G was the steam that Qualcomm needed to deliver promising Q4 figures

Qualcomm – the American corporation that creates intellectual property, #semiconductors, and various #wireless-related services posted its #earnings for Q4 2020.

The company's #EPS figures came in at $1.45, higher than the $1.17 estimated. The revenue also came in higher than the $5.93 billion forecasted at $6.5 billion.

In the future, Qualcomm announces that it will break out revenue from different segments such as handsets, radiofrequency, chips, and automotive. Previously, these segments were under the QCT umbrella. In the past quarter, QCT sales surged 38% from the $4.97 billion reported during the same quarter last year.

The promising results came from the investments the company made in #5G technology. "Our fiscal fourth-quarter results demonstrate that our investments in 5G are coming to fruition and showing benefits in our licensing and product businesses," read the CEO Steve Mollenkopf's statement.

For its fiscal first quarter, which will end in December, the revenue is seen at a high of $8.6 billion, while the EPS is forecasted to reach up to $2.15.

Following the report, Qualcomm's stock price went up more than 11%. Since the beginning of the year, the company's stock price gained 42.2%, while USA500 went up 4.3%.


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Miguel A. Rodriguez
Miguel A. Rodriguez
Financial Writer

Miguel worked for major financial institutions such as Banco Santander, and Banco Central-Hispano. He is a published author of currency trading books.