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The fight for equality brings companies together

Miguel A. Rodriguez
Miguel A. Rodriguez
14 September 2020
Companies pledge millions to help minorities.

The death of George Floyd brought, on one hand, a wave of protests that President Trump wants to stifle using the army, and on the other hand, the tragedy brought support from people and the world's top companies. The protests are spread around dozens of cities across the US, pleading for racial equality and just treatment.

Demonstrations started about a week ago, after a video of a police officer kneeled on George Floyd's neck that died shortly after. Over the past few days, protests have become violent, and at least 40 cities now have curfews, after protestors started fires and looted local businesses.

As said before, companies offered their support and started to donate to social-justice organizations. Facebook donated $10 million to groups that go against racial inequality. Twitter changes its profile bio to say, "#BlackLivesMatter.” Google put on its main page it supports racial equality, whereas YouTube will pledge $1 million in "support of efforts to address social injustice" to The Center for Policing Equity. 

On Saturday, Uber’s CEO announced that the company would donate $1 million to the Equal Justice Initiative, and to the Center for Policing Equity.  

TikTok is to donate $3 million to non-profit organizations that are helping the black community fight against the Coronavirus, and another $1 million to organizations fighting racial injustice and inequality.  

Streaming companies such as Netflix, Amazon, Disney, Hulu, AT&T limited to posting messages in which they are supporting the protesters. 

Glossier, the skincare and beauty company, said that it would donate $500,000 to black-owned businesses.

During yesterday’s trading session, Facebook stocks gained 3%, while Twitter added 2.97%. Netflix, Amazon, and Disney each marked more than 1%.  


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Miguel A. Rodriguez
Miguel A. Rodriguez
Financial Writer

Miguel worked for major financial institutions such as Banco Santander, and Banco Central-Hispano. He is a published author of currency trading books.