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Bond Yields on the Decline as Oil is Keeping the Upward Momentum

Miguel A. Rodriguez
Miguel A. Rodriguez
20 December 2023

U.S. and European stocks rose and yields fell after Richmond Fed President Barkin's latest remarks led traders to believe the Fed is already on track to achieve a soft landing and cut interest rates. Continue reading to get the latest market news. 

Indices On a 7-Week Streak While Bonds Dip

North American indices have now added seven consecutive weeks of increases with the S&P500 reaching an all-time high yesterday.

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USA500 weekly chart, December 20, 2023. Source: WebTrader.     

US Treasury Bond Yields remain in the low trading zone recently with the 10-year bond at 3.90%.

European Bond Yields are also trading lower with the German Bond at 2.01%, the lowest level since January of this year. This decrease is notable, especially considering that at the last meeting of the European Central Bank, President Lagarde expressed caution about easing monetary policy. Her stance is primarily due to the persistent high inflation levels in Europe.

The European CPI data published yesterday shows a significant drop with the year-on-year CPI at 2.4%, already very close to the 2% target. In addition to this, the weak economic situation of most Eurozone countries indicates that the ECB will be forced to follow the Fed's lead and cut interest rates at the beginning of next year.

Euro on the Uptick as it Approached the Resistance Zone

Still, the Euro gained ground yesterday against the US Dollar and traded at levels close to 1.10, which is technically the next resistance zone. The consensus among the main investment banks is that the dollar has started a downward trend that could continue throughout next year.

WTI Oil Still Experiencing Gains After US Strategic Decisions

Oil prices rose on Tuesday, adding to the previous session's gains after the United States announced joint military plans with allied countries to protect shipping through the Red Sea.

WTI Oil rose almost 2% yesterday on concerns that shipping companies will have to divert their ships via another route other than the Red Sea, causing supply disruptions due to increased attacks by Houthi militants in Yemen.


Key Takeaways

  • Bonds continue to drop as the US 10-Year Bond is at 3.90%.
  • EU CPI data showed a drop with year-on-year CPI at 2.4%.
  • The Euro gained against the US Dollar near 1.10.
  • Oil rose nearly 2% yesterday based on global shipping concerns.


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Sources: Bloomberg, Reuters 


This information/research prepared by Miguel A. Rodriguez does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation, or particular needs of any particular person. The research analyst primarily responsible for the content of this research report, in part or in whole, certifies that the views about the companies and their securities expressed in this report accurately reflect his/her personal views and consequently any person acting on it does so entirely at their own risk.The research provided does not constitute the views of KW Investments Ltd nor is it an invitation to invest with KW Investments Ltd. The research analyst also certifies that no part of his/her compensation was, is, or will be, directly, or indirectly, related to specific recommendations or views expressed in this report.The research analyst in not employed by KW Investments Ltd. You are encouraged to seek advice from an independent financial adviser regarding the suitability of the investment, under a separate engagement, as you deem fit that conforms to your specific investment objectives, financial situation, or particular financial needs before making a commitment to invest. The laws of the Republic of Seychelles shall govern any claim relating to or arising from the contents of the information/ research provided. 

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Miguel A. Rodriguez
Miguel A. Rodriguez
Financial Writer

Miguel worked for major financial institutions such as Banco Santander, and Banco Central-Hispano. He is a published author of currency trading books.