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France's €100 billion stimulus package seems to be powerless in front of the pandemic

Miguel A. Rodriguez
Miguel A. Rodriguez
06 octubre 2020
Paris is the "red dot" of COVID-19 infections.

Countries are still fighting the pandemic any way they can. For example, in the States, the Republicans and the Democrats are trying to reach consensus regarding a new stimulus package that could vary between $1.5 trillion and $2.2 trillion.

In Europe, the financial measures that have been taken so far seem to run out of steam, as multiple countries are facing another wave of COVID-19 infections.

So it seems to be the case of France. The Macron government launched at the beginning of September a €100 billion stimulus package. But as time went by, it proved to be insufficient given the circumstances. France is currently dealing with a new wave of infections, which is the most significant so far. If the virus continues to spread at this current rate more restrictive measures will be enforced.

After Paris ending up on "red alert," the government toughened the coronavirus-related restrictions: bars have been ordered to close, while restaurants can stay open until 10 PM on the condition that strict sanitary protocols are respected. The government is looking to avoid another national lockdown, which made the country's GDP to contract 13.8% in Q2.

At the moment of writing, France has 630,000 infections – the second most significant number after Spain.   

The French market doesn't seem to be bothered by the news, France40 trading higher by more than 0.70%. 


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Miguel A. Rodriguez
Miguel A. Rodriguez
Autor financiero

Miguel worked for major financial institutions such as Banco Santander, and Banco Central-Hispano. He is a published author of currency trading books.